
Peer-reviewed papers
*shared first authorship


AminiAghdam S and Rode, C (2024). Posture-induced modulation of lower-limb joint powers in perturbed running. Plos one, 19(5), e0302867 (IF N.A.).


Rode C, Tomalka A, Blickhan R, Siebert T (2023). Structurally motivated models to explain the muscle’s force-length relationship. Biophysical Journal. DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2023.05.026 (IF 3,699)


Tomalka A*, Heim M*, Klotz A, Rode C, Siebert T (2022). Ultrastructural and kinetic evidence support that thick filaments slide through the Z-disc. Proc Roy Soc Interface, 19(197), 20220642. DOI:10.1098/rsif.2022.0642 (IF 4.293)

AminiAghdam S, Karamanidis, K., & Rode, C (2022). Uneven running: How does trunk-leaning affect the lower-limb joint mechanics and energetics? Eur J Sport Sci, 22(8), 1188-1195. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1938691 (IF 3.980)

Weidner S, Tomalka A, Rode C, Siebert S (2022). How velocity impacts eccentric force generation of fully activated skinned skeletal muscle fibers in long stretches. J Appl Physiol, accepted (IF 3.531)


Söhnel K, Andrada E, de Lussanet MH, Wagner H, Fischer MS, Rode C (2021). Single limb dynamics of jumping turns in dogs. Res Vet Science, 140:69-78 DOI:10.1016/j.rvsc.2021.08.00 (IF 2.53)


Andrada E, Blickhan R, Ogihara N, Rode C (2020) Low leg compliance permits grounded running at speeds where the inverted pendulum model gets airborne. J Theor Biol, 494, 110227 (IF 1.88)

Söhnel K, Rode C, de Lussanet MHE, Wagner H, Fischer MS, Andrada E (2020) Limb dynamics in jumps of beginner and advanced dogs. J Exp Biol, 223, jeb202119, DOI:10.1242/jeb.202119 (IF 3.02)

Schenk P, Papenkort S, Böl M, Siebert T, Grassme R, Rode C (2020) A simple geometrical model accounting for 3D muscle architectural changes across muscle lengths. J Biomech, 193, 109694 (IF 2.58)

Schumacher C, Sharbafi M, Seyfarth A, Rode C (2020) Biarticular muscles in light of template models, experiments and robotics: a review. Roy Soc Interface, 17(163):20180413, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2018.0413 (IF 3.22)


Schumacher C, Berry A, Perez DL, Rode C, Seyfarth A & Vallery H (2019) Biarticular muscles are most responsive to upper-body pitch perturbations in human standing. Nature Sci Rep, 9(1), 1-14. (IF 4.53)

Young F, Rode C, Hunt A, Quinn, R (2019) Analyzing Moment Arm Profiles in a Full-Muscle Rat Hindlimb Model. Biomimetics, 4(1), 10.


Trinh T X, Heinke S, Rode C, Schenkl S, Hubig M, Mall G, & Muggenthaler H (2018). Maximum striking velocities in strikes with steel rods—the influence of rod length, rod mass and volunteer parameters. Int J Legal Med, 132(2), 499-508. (IF 2.09)

Muggenthaler H, Trinh T X, Heinke S, Rode C, Schenkl S, Hubig M, & Mall G (2018). Influence of striking technique on maximum striking velocities—experimental and statistical investigation. Int J Legal Med, 1-7. (IF 2.09)

Siebert T, Stutzig N, Rode C (2018) A hill-type muscle model expansion accounting for effects of varying transverse muscle load. J Biomech, 66:57-62 (IF 2.58)


Aminiaghdam S, Blickhan R, Muller R, Rode C (2017) Posture alteration as a measure to accommodate uneven ground in able-bodied gait. PloS one, 12(12): e0190135 (IF 2.77)

Müller R*, Rode C*, Aminiaghdam S, Vielemeyer J, Blickhan R (2017) Force direction patterns promote whole body stability even in hip-flexed walking, but not upper body stability in human upright walking. Proc Roy Soc A, 473:20170404 (IF 2.58)

Heidlauf T, Klotz T, Rode C, Siebert T, & Röhrle O. (2017). A continuum-mechanical skeletal muscle model including actin-titin interaction predicts stable contractions on the descending limb of the force-length relation. PLOS Computational Biology, 13(10): e1005773. (IF 3.96)

Aminiaghdam S, Rode C (2017) Effects of altered sagittal trunk orientation on kinetic pattern in able-bodied walking on uneven ground. Biology Open, bio-025239. (IF 1.62)

Tomalka A, Rode C, Schumacher J, Siebert T (2017) The active force-length relationship is invisible during extensive eccentric contractions in skinned skeletal muscle fibres. Proc Roy Soc B, 284:20162497. (IF 4.85)

Sharbafi MA, Rashty AMN, Rode C & Seyfarth A (2017) Reconstruction of human swing leg motion with passive biarticular muscle models. Hum Mov Sci, 52:96-107. (IF 1.84)

Aminiaghdam S, Rode C, Müller R & Blickhan R (2017) Increasing trunk flexion morphs human leg function into that of birds despite different leg morphology. J Exp Biol, jeb-148312. (IF 3.18)


Rode C, Tomalka A, Blickhan R & Siebert T (2016) Myosin filament sliding through the Z-disc relates striated muscle fibre structure to function. Proc Roy Soc B, 283:20153030. (IF 4.94)

Lakatos L, Albu-Schäffer A, Rode C & Loeffl F (2016) Dynamic bipedal walking by controlling only the equilibrium of intrinsic elasticities. 2016 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Nov 15-17, Cancun, Mexico 2016. (H5-Index 28)

Sharbafi MA, Rode C, Kurowski S, Scholz D, Möckel R, Radkhah K, Zhao G, Rashty AMN, von Stryk O & Seyfarth A (2016) A new biarticular actuator design facilitates control of leg function in BioBiped3. Bioinspir Biomim, 11(4): 046003. (IF 2.94)

Siebert T, Rode C, Till O, Stutzig N & Blickhan R (2016) Force reduction induced by unidirectional transversal muscle loading is independent of local pressure. J Biomech, 49:1156-1161. (IF 2.66)

Heidlauf T, Klotz T, Rode C, Altan E, Bleiler C, Siebert T & Röhrle O (2016) A multi-scale continuum model of skeletal muscle mechanics predicting force enhancement based on actin-titin interaction. Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 15:1423-1437. (IF 4.54)


Rode C*, Sutedja Y*, Kilbourne B, Blickhan R & Andrada E (2015) Minimizing the cost of locomotion with inclined trunk predicts crouched leg kinematics of small birds at realistic levels of elastic recoil. J Exp Biol, 219:485-490 (IF 2.91)

Blickhan R, Andrada E, Müller R, Rode C & Ogihara N (2015) Positioning the hip with respect to the COM: Consequences for leg operation. J Theor Biol, 382: 187-197 (IF 2.05)

Siebert T, Leichsenring K, Rode C, Wick C, Stutzig N, Schubert H, Blickhan R & Böl M (2015) Three-dimensional muscle architecture and comprehensive dynamic properties of rabbit gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus: input for simulation studies PLOS One, 10(6): e0130985. (IF 3.06)


Andrada E, Rode C, Sutedja J, Nyakatura J & Blickhan R (2014) Trunk orientation causes asymmetries in leg function in small bird terrestrial locomotion Proc Roy Soc B, 281: 20141405. (IF 5.29)

Lakatos D, Rode C, Seyfarth A & Albu-Schäffer A (2014) Design and Control of Compliantly Actuated Bipedal Running Robots: Concepts to Exploit Natural System Dynamics. 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), November 18-20th, Madrid, Spain 2014. (H5-Index 28)


Andrada E, Rode C & Blickhan R (2013) Grounded running: simulations indicate benefits of fixed aperture angle between legs. J Theor Biol 335: 97–107. (IF 2.05)


Siebert T, Weihmann T, Rode C & Blickhan R (2010) Cupiennius salei: Biomechanical properties of the tibiametatarsus joint and its flexing muscles J Comp Physiol B, 180: 199–209. (IF 2.40)

Rummel J, Blum Y, Maus HM, Rode C & Seyfarth A (2010) Stable and robust walking with compliant legs. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 3-8, Anchorage, Alaska: 5250-5255, 2010. (H5-Index 82)


Rode C, Siebert T & Blickhan R (2009) Titin induced force enhancement and force depression: A ‘sticky spring’ mechanism in muscle contractions? J Theor Biol 259: 350–360. (IF 2.57)

Rode C, Siebert T, Herzog W & Blickhan R (2009) The effects of parallel and series elastic components on estimated active cat soleus muscle force. J Mech Med Biol 9: 105–122. (IF 0.44)


Till O, Siebert T, Rode C & Blickhan R (2008) Characterization of isovelocity extension of activated muscle: a Hill-type model for eccentric contractions and a method for parameter determination. J Theor Biol 255: 176–187. (IF 2.45)

Siebert T, Rode C, Herzog W, Till O & Blickhan R (2008) Nonlinearities make a difference: comparison of two common Hill-type models with real muscle. Biol Cybern 98: 133–143. (IF 1.94)



Rode C, Seyfarth A & Sartori M (2021) Recent research on biological actuation – what can we learn from biology. In: Beckerle, Verstraten, Sharbafi, Pott, Seyfarth (eds) Novel bioinspired actuator designs for robotics, Springer, in press

Siebert T, Screen H & Rode C (2020) Computational modeling of muscle, tendon and ligaments biomechanics. In: Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System, 2nd Edition edited by Z Jin, 155-186; Woodhead Publishing – Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-819531-4

Rode C & Siebert T (2017) Muscle-like actuation for locomotion. In: Bioinspired Legged Locomotion, 1st Edition edited by M Sharbafi and A Seyfarth, 565-590; Butterworth-Heinemann – Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-803766-9

Siebert T & Rode C (2014) Computational modeling of muscle biomechanics. In: Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System, 1st Edition edited by Z Jin, 173‑204; Woodhead Publishing - Elsevier, ISBN: 9780857096616

Andrada E, Nyakatura J, Müller R, Rode C & Blickhan R (2012) Informatik aktuell. Grounded Running: An Overlooked Strategy for Robots. Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012, 79-87

Rode C, Siebert T & Blickhan R (2009) Der Einfluss von Muskeleigenschaften auf die Stabilisierung von Haltungen. DVS Kongress. Biomechanik – Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Tübingen

Siebert T, Rode C, Till O & Blickhan R (2009) Eignung von Hill-Muskelmodellen für die Simulation von Dehnungs-Verkürzungs-Zyklen im Bereich passiver Kräfte. DVS Kongress. Biomechanik – Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Tübingen.



Rode C (2019) From muscle via leg architecture to locomotion: Theories and experiments. Habilitationsschrift, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Rode C (2012) Förderung selbstregulierten Lernens im Rahmen eines fächerübergreifenden projektorientierten Unterrichts zum Thema Dodgeball in der Klassenstufe 6. Zweite Schriftliche Staatsexamensarbeit für das Lehramt an Gymnasien. Staatliches Studienseminar für Lehrerausbildung Jena.

Rode C (2009) Interaction between passive and contractile muscle elements: Re-evaluation and new mechanisms. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Rode C (2005) Erstellung einer Palette von Muskelmodellen in Matlab/Simulink (mathworks) und Untersuchung des Einflusses der seriell-elastischen Komponente des Muskels auf seine Leistungsfähigkeit in zyklischen Belastungen. Erste Staatsexamensarbeit für das Lehramt an Gymnasien, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.